Wednesday Aug 12, 2009
Where is the U.S. in Bible Prophecy?
Wednesday Aug 12, 2009
Wednesday Aug 12, 2009
Where is the U.S. going? Where does it fit? Will America continue to dominate the world? Will the United States even be around at the end? Will this country even be involved? Does the Bible tell us? Find out some answers today as we focus on the Middle East and what the Bible reveals about the coming of the Lord and the judgement of the nations as we prepare for the world's final conflict. Genesis 2:10; Ezekiel 38:13; Zechariah 14:14; Joel 3:1,2; Matthew 25:31-34; Revelation 16:12-16; 9:13-18; Proverbs 14:34; Psalms 33:12; 91:1,2; Genesis 12:3; Matthew 16:18; John 1:11; Galatians 3:29; Daniel 7:23 Pastor Hollis Partlowe Dixon Church of God, Dixon, Illinois
Sunday Aug 09, 2009
Paradise Lost, Paradise Gained
Sunday Aug 09, 2009
Sunday Aug 09, 2009
What is "paradise?" Is it synonymous with "heaven?" When man sinned and was driven out of the Garden, was paradise lost forever? What was the central theme of the ministry of Jesus? Did Jesus enter paradise the day he died? What about the thief on the cross? And what exactly is the "third heaven?" Find out the truth from God's word today. Luke 23:39-43; Genesis 2:8; Acts 3:19-21; 2 Corinthians 12:2; Isaiah 66:1; 2 Peter 3:3-13; Revelation 2:7 Pastor Kenneth Milne
Friday Aug 07, 2009
What Do You Mean the "Word Made Flesh?"
Friday Aug 07, 2009
Friday Aug 07, 2009
John's Gospel was written in the way he uniquely saw Jesus Christ. In today's message, we begin where John begins. There is often so much theological discussion from today's text that we miss the practical application of the theology itself. Why did John even write his Gospel? What did his readers think? What does John mean by "the word?" Did Jesus pre-exist his birth? What about the "incarnation?" In what way was Jesus before John the Baptist? What does it all mean for us? Find out today. John 1:1-18; 20:30,31; Hebrews 1:1-3 Pastor Gary Burnham www.abc-coggc.org
Thursday Aug 06, 2009
"Light" After Death
Thursday Aug 06, 2009
Thursday Aug 06, 2009
It's not a pleasant thought to think of the day our life will end. Often we look for the "light" at the end of the tunnel - but is there one? What really happens when we die? What about the "after-life" and "out-of-body experiences?" Is it really that complicated? The word of God gives us the simple answer, and it's the only word that matters. We can't twist what it says to make it fit what man says. Why does man still believe the same lie that was told from the very beginning in the Garden of Eden? Find real comfort for the future in knowing the truth today. 1 Corinthians 15; Job 10:9; Ecclesiastes 3:19,20; Psalms 6:5 Pastor James Ritch www.resurrectionhope.org
Wednesday Aug 05, 2009
The Long-Range View
Wednesday Aug 05, 2009
Wednesday Aug 05, 2009
In today's sermon, we look at an often misused text where Jesus was addressing his disciples in an hour of crisis. He was putting the focus on the eternal and not the immediate, looking beyond this age and this earth, assuring them - and us - of things to come. Knowing this, how resolute are we? John 14:1-3; 17:3; Galatians 6:10; Ephesians 2:19; Hebrews 3:5,6; 11:23-26; 2:11; 12:27; 1 Corinthians 15; Matthew 6:19; 1 Corinthians 13:12,13; Romans 8:38; 2 Timothy 4:6,8,12,13; Mark 8:34; Revelation 5:10 Pastor Hollis Partlowe Dixon Church of God, Dixon, Illinois
Friday Jul 31, 2009
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Friday Jul 31, 2009
Friday Jul 31, 2009
For 57 years Pastor James Mattison has helped pastor at local churches. For the last 16 years, he has been in constant contact with growing congregations in Africa. Although our brothers and sisters in Christ live lives among the poorest on the earth, they fill with awe and hope when they hear that they will reign as kings and priests in the coming Kingdom of God on the earth at the return of Jesus. This is the gospel message Pastor Jim has emphasized and shared from the very start of this great mission work and throughout all of his life's work - and it's the same message that Jesus and his disciples emphasized in their preaching and teaching. Listen today as the "country-boy preacher" shares the glorious hope we have in the promise of the coming Kingdom of God. Pastor James Mattison
Wednesday Jul 29, 2009
The Rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David
Wednesday Jul 29, 2009
Wednesday Jul 29, 2009
We're heading towards the end of the church age. One of the greatest signs preceding the end of the age are the events that are happening in Israel. Today, Israel is back in the land. The Jewish nation has returned. And God has called a chosen people to rebuild the tabernacle. But why would it be rebuilt? When? What's the future of Israel? Find out today. Acts 15:12-21; 1:6-8; Amos 9:8-15; Isaiah 16:5; 54:5,17; 37:33-38; 66:7-9; Luke 24:21; 21:24; John 16:7; 1 Peter 1:10-12; 2 Peter 3:11; Jeremiah 51:19; Psalm 2:13-16; 122:6; Joel 3:1-3; Romans 11:18-27,1,2 Pastor Hollis Partlowe Dixon Church of God, Dixon, Illinois
Monday Jul 27, 2009
Israel and Jerusalem - People and City of God
Monday Jul 27, 2009
Monday Jul 27, 2009
There's been a lot of misunderstandings about the Jews in Christianity and throughout history. And no city has seen more desolation and destruction than Jerusalem. Jerusalem is and always will belong to Israel, God's chosen people. But does God have anything more to do with the Jews? Has God cast away His people? Is God done with Israel? Deuteronomy 7:6-11; Jeremiah 31; Romans 10:16-21; 11:1-4; Galatians 3; Matthew 19:28; 5:33-35; John 4:19-26; Luke 21 Pastor Gordon Landry Flagg Center Community Church Rochelle, Illinois
Wednesday Jul 22, 2009
The Kingdom Bailout Plan
Wednesday Jul 22, 2009
Wednesday Jul 22, 2009
Most Americans are pretty sick and tired of hearing about "bailouts." We're all painfully aware of the billions and billions of taxpayer dollars "loaned" to businesses and banks that are "too big to fail." And it's all for own good, right? Well, the Kingdom of God doesn't need a bailout or a government to save it. But we are in dire need of a "bailout" from the government to which we really belong - the Kingdom of God. There will come a time when every account must be settled, when every servant must repay their Master. And we all come up way too short. We can't pay our way out. But the debt we owe has been forgiven. We need to share that good news. And as forgiven people, we are to be forgiving people. Matthew 18:23-25; 15-20; 6:12-15; Colossians 3:12,13; Ephesians 4:32; Philippians 4:2; Acts 7:60; Luke 23:34 Pastor Steve Taylor Lakeshore Bible Church
Wednesday Jul 22, 2009
The Three Appearances of Christ
Wednesday Jul 22, 2009
Wednesday Jul 22, 2009
Israel worshipped the LORD in types that pointed to some aspect and work of Christ. But we worship in reality today. Jesus came once to die, but is coming the next time to end death. Today, he pleads our case as an advocate for us in heaven. And in each of his three appearances, we see the three phases of our salvation. Hebrews 9:22-28; 10:1,2; 8:1,2; 3:1; 7:25; 11:10,13,39,40; Matthew 1:21; Romans 5:12,19; Luke 19:10; 1 Timothy 1:15; John 8:53,56; 1:14; 19:30; 16:2; Galatians 4:4,5; Psalms 33:6,9; Mark 10:45; Ephesians 2:6; 1 John 2:1; 3:2; Acts 3:19-21; Philippians 3:20; 2:10,11; Titus 2:13; Colossians 3:4; Rev. 3:21; 5:10; 22:12 Pastor Hollis Partlowe Dixon Church of God Dixon, Illinois
Monday Jul 20, 2009
The Reversals of God
Monday Jul 20, 2009
Monday Jul 20, 2009
We can always depend on the unfaithfulness of man - and the faithfulness of God. Even those who don't believe in God depend on the natural laws He has established. But the way God works is not the way that man works. Man says, "we live to die," but God says you must die to live. Man says, "what goes up must come down, " but God says what goes down must rise up. That's the way God works. Sometimes he chooses to reverse His own laws. And that is our hope, as we wait for the resurrection - the final, great reversal of God when man's way of thinking will end once and for all. Deuteronomy 29:5; 2 Kings 5:20; 1 Samuel 15; Romans 6:4,5,23; John 5:28,29 John Lewis Arkansas Conference 1977
Friday Jul 17, 2009
Absent from the Body?
Friday Jul 17, 2009
Friday Jul 17, 2009
In today's Bible study, we examine a phrase commonly used to prove the state of a man when he dies. But what does the text really prove? Does man live as a disembodied spirit in an immaterial state in heaven after his death? When and where do we receive eternal life? As we consider the total text of Paul's writings, the answers may surprise you. 2 Corinthians 5:1-9; Hebrews 9: 1 Corinthians 15; 2 Timothy 4; Revelation 22; Philippians 3; 1 John 3 Pastor Rex Cain Church of the Open Bible, Bedford, Ohio
Tuesday Jul 14, 2009
Times of Restitution
Tuesday Jul 14, 2009
Tuesday Jul 14, 2009
The death and resurrection of Jesus were not the end of his work. He's coming again to finish the work that God has given him to do. He's coming to establish a new order for this world where all the wrongs will be made right. There is a future home of the redeemed on the renewed and restored earth where the curse will be removed forever. This tormented world has a great future ahead. Are you ready? Exodus 22; 1 John 3:2; Acts 3:19-24; Hebrews 9:28; Romans 8:18; 5:12,19; Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:1-12; 33:24; 65:20; Matthew 24:6,7; 25:31; Joel 3:9-18; John 3:34; Zechariah 13:6; 12:10; 8:23; Amos 9:13; Psalm 72; 1 Corinthians 15:24-28; Matthew 19:28 Pastor Hollis Partlowe
Monday Jul 13, 2009
How to be Sealed with the Holy Spirit
Monday Jul 13, 2009
Monday Jul 13, 2009
Do great signs and wonders mean it's the real thing? Can you possess the gifts of the spirit without hearing and believing the gospel? To be a recipient of the holy spirit, one must first know and believe the truth. In today's study, we examine the emphasis that Jesus and his apostles put on the inspired word of God through the preaching of the truth. Z.B. Duncan 11-18-1984 www.resurrectionhope.org
Friday Jul 10, 2009
Grasshopper Eyes
Friday Jul 10, 2009
Friday Jul 10, 2009
God had promised the children of Israel that they would receive the land He was giving them. Twelve spies were sent out, but after looking, ten said it was impossible. There were walls. There were giants. And they were wrong. They saw the land with "grasshopper eyes." Are we any different today? It seems it's always easier to see the "giants" instead of seeing God. What territory has God given you? What's standing in your way? Will you inherit what God has promised? Or will you turn around, and go back? Numbers 13:25-33; 14:1-4 Pastor Wally Winner www.theupsidedownchurch.com
Monday Jul 06, 2009
What is the Soul? - Part Two
Monday Jul 06, 2009
Monday Jul 06, 2009
There's a lot of talk about the "soul" of man, but what is the "soul?" Does man have a separate soul inside of his physical body? Is the soul an entity? Is it immortal? Does it have no physical or material reality? Does the soul do all the thinking? What does the Bible really teach us about the "soul" of man? Find out the answers today in part two of this study. Pastor Z.B. Duncan www.resurrectionhope.org 12-14-1983
Sunday Jul 05, 2009
The War of Armageddon
Sunday Jul 05, 2009
Sunday Jul 05, 2009
Even those who don't know anything about the Bible have heard of "Armageddon." Although the word itself only occurs one time in Scripture, it is described in detail. In the past few centuries, we have witnessed an unusual number of international conflicts. But the Bible teaches that the worst war of all still lies in the future. All the nations of the world will gather for one final conflict. But unlike all the others, Jesus will intervene. Where will it be? When will it be? How will it happen? Find out today. Revelation 16:14-16 Pastor Hollis Partlowe
Wednesday Jul 01, 2009
The Lord Hath a Lawsuit Against the Nations
Wednesday Jul 01, 2009
Wednesday Jul 01, 2009
In this day and age, we're familiar with lawsuits. They make the papers and are in the headlines. God has also prepared his legal case opposing the nations. And he's the judge. The Lord has set certain boundaries and limits on man. But since the beginning, man has crossed the boundaries. In fact, Adam only had one limit and still even that was too much. Men today are still the same. They think God can't stop them. But God has promised the day of ultimate judgment is coming. But the world is living in ignorance. As the nations prepare for battle, God is preparing to defend his people in the valley of decision. It's up to us to warn the world before it's too late. Jesus is coming back soon. Are you ready? Jeremiah 25:15-33 Pastor Kent Ross THRIVE Ministries 1972
Monday Jun 29, 2009
What is the Soul? - Part One
Monday Jun 29, 2009
Monday Jun 29, 2009
There's a lot of talk about the "soul" of man, but what is the "soul?" Does man have a separate soul inside of his physical body? Is the soul an entity? Is it immortal? Does it have no physical or material reality? Does the soul do all the thinking? What does the Bible really teach us about the "soul" of man? Pastor Z.B. Duncan www.resurrectionhope.org 12-7-1983
Sunday Jun 28, 2009
We All Could Use a Little Good News
Sunday Jun 28, 2009
Sunday Jun 28, 2009
With all the bad news surrounding us, a little good news might be nice for a change. Well, guess what? We've got the good news! It's great news, in fact. Jesus is coming back to restore the earth. Suffering will end. No more pain. No more crying. No more death. Let's not neglect what we have to share. Let's remind and encourage each other with the glorious hope we are anticipating! Pastor Steve Taylor Lakeshore Bible Church, Tempe, Arizona
Wednesday Jun 24, 2009
Immortality - When?
Wednesday Jun 24, 2009
Wednesday Jun 24, 2009
There is a hope in God's word that is future. The Bible is clear that all who have sinned will die. No one wants to, but it's a fact of this age. We desire to live without end, but it cannot be attained in this life. But when does this change come? Are we already immortal? Pastor Ed Bender shares the answers in this thorough Bible study on the resurrection hope of the Christian.
Thursday Jun 18, 2009
The Message Driven Church
Thursday Jun 18, 2009
Thursday Jun 18, 2009
In the church of today, we often hear about the steps and strategies to grow our attendance. But sometimes we fail to miss the only strategy of the early church. They were message planters more than church planters. They were driven by the same focus and message as Jesus. They proclaimed the message of the Kingdom of God with power, just as they had been instructed. They knew their purpose and plan. Do we? Acts 1:6-8; 2:42-47; 28:23,30,31; 3:19-21; 8:12; 19:8 Pastor Steve Taylor Lakeshore Bible Church Tempe, Arizona
Wednesday Jun 17, 2009
Words of Comfort
Wednesday Jun 17, 2009
Wednesday Jun 17, 2009
We'd all like to believe that we'll be alive when Christ returns. But what happens if we die before Jesus comes back? Is it all over for us? Will we see our loved ones again? When? What will we be like? In today's text, the Apostle Paul tells us not having the knowledge of our hope makes us sorrow like those who have no hope at all. But understanding the truth changes the way we think, behave, and live. As believers, we know there's a great reunion day coming when Jesus descends back to the earth. How does knowing he's returning change how you will live today? 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 4:30,31; 1 Corinthians 15:51; Revelation 11 Pastor Chuck Jones Church of the Open Bible Pomona, California
Tuesday Jun 16, 2009
Does God Handpick His Saints?
Tuesday Jun 16, 2009
Tuesday Jun 16, 2009
Has God already decided and determined who will or won't be saved? Is there only a certain number who will be saved? Are we all individually chosen by God? Does everyone have a chance? Are we all predestined? Or is there criteria for being saved? What does the Bible really teach? Who will be saved, and how are they chosen? In today's message, we take a closer look at some commonly misunderstood verses to find a deeper understanding of what they really mean about our destiny. 2 Thessalonians 2:13; Romans 8:29,20; 1:7; 3:23; 6:23;; John 17:2; 6:37; Acts 2:47; Galatians 1:6,15; 2 Peter 3:9; Matthew 7:7; Hebrews 11:6 Pastor John Railton 5-2-1976
Sunday Jun 14, 2009
What Does the Bible Teach About Hell? - Part Two
Sunday Jun 14, 2009
Sunday Jun 14, 2009
Did you know there are 4 different words translated as "hell" in our Bible? Why did Bible translators not translate it the same way each time? What happens there? Where is it? What goes down there? Is there conscious suffering in flames of fire? What does conventional theology teach? What does the Bible really teach about "hell?" As we continue our study, we examine "Gehenna" and "hell-fire." Job 3:13; 21:24-34; Ecclesiastes 3:20; Matthew 16:27; 5:29,30; Malachi 4:1; 2 Thessalonians 1:7;Revelation 20; Deuteronomy 13:16; Matthew 10:28; 25; John 8:21; Revelation 22:12 Pastor Z.B. Duncan 12-9-1984 www.resurrectionhope.org
Saturday Jun 13, 2009
Abraham Didn't Ask For Directions Either
Saturday Jun 13, 2009
Saturday Jun 13, 2009
He was 75 years old, and he was called to pick up and move everything and start going without knowing where he was headed or what was waiting for him. Old Abraham, as we know him, was called. He obeyed, and he was blessed with God's promise. And in Christ, we are a part of the same promise. What do we learn? Where God wants you is better than staying where you are. Staying where you are may be where God doesn't want you. Will you answer His call? Will you obey Him no matter what? He's waiting to bless you. Hebrews 11:8-16,1,39,40; Genesis 12:1-7; 13:14-16; 15:1-6,18; Romans 4:13-17; Matthew 5:5; Galatians 3:27-29; Revelation 21:4 Pastor Alan Cain Lawrenceville Church of God, Springfield, Ohio
Thursday Jun 11, 2009
After the Sunrise: "The Truth About Jesus"
Thursday Jun 11, 2009
Thursday Jun 11, 2009
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." The way to life is through the truth. So how important is knowing the truth? Today, we examine the scriptures to find out the truth about who Jesus really is. The answer may surprise you. Pastor Darrell Cardwell www.northsalem.homestead.com
Tuesday Jun 09, 2009
Invitations and Warnings
Tuesday Jun 09, 2009
Tuesday Jun 09, 2009
When God speaks to us, it's time to listen. We're seeing what God's seeing. Things are getting worse and worse in this world we live in. Evil is spreading across the earth. We have been warned hard times are coming. Like Noah, we have been invited to carry out God's plan in this age. When the door shuts, it's too late. Jesus is coming back. Are we telling our friends with urgency? Who do you know that needs to be told? Genesis 6:6-7:12 Pastor James Ritch www.resurrectionhope.org
Sunday Jun 07, 2009
What Does the Bible Teach About Hell? - Part One
Sunday Jun 07, 2009
Sunday Jun 07, 2009
Did you know there are 4 different words translated as "hell" in our Bible? Why did Bible translators not translate the words the same way each time? We've all heard something about "hell," but what really happens there? Where is it? What goes down there? Is there conscious suffering in flames of fire? What does conventional theology teach? What does the Bible really teach about "hell?" The answers may surprise you. Psalm 16:10; 9:17; 55:15; 86:13; 89:48; 116:3; 138:9; 146:4; Acts 2:27; 2 Samuel 22:6; Job 26:6; Amos 9:2; Isaiah 14:9; 28:15,18; Proverbs 5:5; 7:27; 9:18; 15:11; 23:14; Ecclesiastes 9:10; Hosea 13:14;Genesis 37:35; 42:38; 44:29,31; 1 Kings 2:6,9; Isaiah 38; Revelation 20:14; 1 Corinthians 15:55 Pastor Z.B. Duncan 12-2-1984
Wednesday Jun 03, 2009
I Thought You Would Call Me Father
Wednesday Jun 03, 2009
Wednesday Jun 03, 2009
Did you know that the God we worship has a name? In fact, in the Bible, His individual, personal name is used almost 7000 times. God tells us exactly who He is. His unique name is important. It's critical that we know it. But why did it go from a proper name to a generic "LORD" or "GOD" when the scriptures were translated? Why aren't we honoring the unchanged name of the Lord our God? Why do we avoid it? Traditions that are wrong are still wrong. Let's start getting it right. John 12:49,28; Exodus 3:6-15; 34:6; Jeremiah 3:19; Deuteronomy 28:7,47,58; Psalm 110:1; Revelation 1:4; Acts 2:34;15:17; Mark 12:36; Psalm 8:1,9; 2 Chronicles 7:14; John 20:17; Leviticus 19:1; Ezekiel 20; Isaiah 45; Isaiah 19 Dr. Joe Martin Atlanta Bible College Professor and Academic Dean
Tuesday Jun 02, 2009
The Holy Spirit
Tuesday Jun 02, 2009
Tuesday Jun 02, 2009
In today's message, we begin a new study to research and examine what the Bible really teaches about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can be a confusing subject filled with a lot of misunderstandings and misinformation. What do the words "Holy Spirit" themselves mean? How are these words used and interpreted? Can the Holy Spirit of God also be God? As we look closer, we find the Holy Spirit by which God created the heavens and the earth is the same by which Mary conceived, and by which God's word was given, recorded, confirmed, and preserved. We also find some important truths that reveal what the Holy Spirit is and isn't. Romans 8:1-17; 2 Corinthians 3:17,18; Hebrew 2:3,4; 2 Peter 1; 2 Tim. 3:16; Acts 12; John 14;16:13,14 Pastor Terry M. Ferrell Greenville Church of God, 217 White Oak Road, Greenville, SC 29605
Monday Jun 01, 2009
What Does the Bible Teach About Heaven?
Monday Jun 01, 2009
Monday Jun 01, 2009
Because many people have been pressured by the world's philosophies, the truth of what the Bible teaches is sometimes pushed off into the background. What does the Bible really teach and have to say about "going to heaven?" What did Jesus say? What's the truth? Will the kingdom be coming, or will we be going? When and where will man be rewarded? Acts 1:9-11; 3:21; 2:29,34; John 3:13; 7:33; 8:21; 13:33; Proverbs 10:30; 11:31; 2:21; Psalms 37:9,11,22,29,34; 145:4; 6:5; Matthew 16:27; 5:31; Revelation 22:12; 5:9; Luke 14:14; 19:15;Ecclesiastes 9:5,6; Job 14:10; Isaiah 38:1; 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 Pastor Z.B. Duncan 11-4-1984
Sunday May 31, 2009
Seeing Christ in the Furnishings of the Holy Place
Sunday May 31, 2009
Sunday May 31, 2009
God's specific design down to the smallest of details, and the pattern of the tabernacle pointed ahead to the coming Messiah, God's son. Today, we look at three of the furnishings: The lampstand, the Table of Showbread, and the Golden Altar of Incense. Looking at these items that were involved daily in the ministry to God by the priest, we see how they speak to the daily life, worship, and service of the believer today. Exodus 25:23-40; 30:1-9; Zechariah 4:6; Lamentations 3; Revelation 5:8; Psalm 141:2; Colossians 3:1; Hebrews 10:11-14; 9:28 Pastor Mike Montgomery Guthrie Grove Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith Pelzer, South Carolina
Thursday May 28, 2009
Finding the Truth Without Knowing Hebrew or Greek
Thursday May 28, 2009
Thursday May 28, 2009
Just what is death anyway? What is a "soul?" Can it die? Do people who die know anything after their death? Did Jesus live before he was born? Did Jesus really die? Just what is the Holy Spirit? Does it matter what I believe? Is Jesus coming back to the earth? And if he is, why and when? Why does there need to be a resurrection of the dead? Find out the real answers to these questions directly from the numerous passages in the Bible as we journey with Dennis through his life's search for the truth. But don't take our word for it... Pastor Dennis Baldwin Grace Fellowship Church of God, Front Royal, Virginia
Wednesday May 27, 2009
Moses Between Two Worlds
Wednesday May 27, 2009
Wednesday May 27, 2009
Moses was a man living between two worlds. But he had to make a decision. Who was he going to be? He could have continued to live in the luxury of Pharaoh's palace with everything he ever wanted. But instead, he chose the treasures of God over the treasures of Egypt. It's the same decision we have to make. As we see an age that may very well be nearing the end, which world will you choose - the world we have now...or the better world that is promised to come? Hebrews 11:23-29; Acts 7; Exodus 3; 4:10-14, 24-26; Proverbs 14:12 Pastor Alan Cain Lawrenceville Church of God, 4444 St. Paris Pike, Springfield, Ohio 45504
Tuesday May 26, 2009
Bible Truth Radio: "The Rich Man and Lazarus"
Tuesday May 26, 2009
Tuesday May 26, 2009
Does man have a conscious, separate existence outside of this world after death? Many think so, and they point to the verses in this parable to prove it. But is the evidence really there? And if we take this parable as literally true, what else do we have to believe? In today's study, Pastor Duncan looks deeper into the misconceptions, additions, and insertions that have been added into the story Jesus told. Luke 15, 16; Matthew 13:34; Mark 4:34; Ecclesiastes 9:5,6; Job 14; 7:1,13 Pastor Z.B. Duncan www.resurrectionhope.org
Monday May 25, 2009
God's Tomorrow
Monday May 25, 2009
Monday May 25, 2009
As we remember the things of the past, we look forward to the things of the future. Many things today are different, but we know God is the same. And although much in this world is still beautiful and improving, we see a world that is beginning to disintegrate around us. But we can't be overwhelmed by the darkness. We must recognize that God will bring about His purposes. And in a world that's getting darker, it's up to us to shine the light. We must live today in preparation for tomorrow. And we live each day with hope because we know that Jesus is coming again! Daniel 2:44; Psalm 2:11; Revelation 19:15; 11:15; 5:10,11; Matthew 19:28; 25:31; 2 Timothy 4 Pastor E. Richard Smith from Sunday's "Back to the Future" broadcast heard at www.cogcast.org
Saturday May 23, 2009
Dirty Secrets
Saturday May 23, 2009
Saturday May 23, 2009
Jesus often chose to speak to the crowds in stories and parables. In today's text, he speaks of a sower who scatters seed and of the soils in which it was scattered. But those listening didn't understand. But to us, the mystery of the kingdom of God has been revealed. Matthew 13:3-17 Pastor Steve Taylor www.lakeshorebiblechurch.net
Thursday May 21, 2009
After the Sunrise: "Thy Kingdom Come"
Thursday May 21, 2009
Thursday May 21, 2009
It's comforting to be able to believe what people tell us. But what happens when we find out that what they've been telling us may be contrary to what the scriptures teach? On today's program from the "After the Sunrise" radio broadcasts, Pastor Darrell brings to light several scriptures concerning the resurrection of the dead and the coming Kingdom of God. And what the scriptures reveal might not be what you've always heard in church... Pastor Darrell Cardwell www.northsalem.homestead.com
Wednesday May 20, 2009
Wednesday May 20, 2009
Wednesday May 20, 2009
All men want to live forever. And as believers in Christ, we're promised that we will. But how will it happen? When will it be? How can you know? Find out today. 1 Corinthians 15:42-53; 1 Thess. 4:15-17; 1 John 3:2; Revelation 1:14 Pastor Z.B. Duncan Church of the Resurrection Hope, Lenoir, NC 1984
Sunday May 17, 2009
The Creation and the Nature of Man
Sunday May 17, 2009
Sunday May 17, 2009
Why did Eve believe the direct contradiction of God's word? Why do people today still believe the same lie from the garden? God said that man would die and return to the dust from which he was made. How can that be so misunderstood? In today's message, we take a fresh look at the creation and the nature of man and what it has to do with the promises and the hope of mankind. John 8; Genesis 3:4,7,19; 2:7,16,17: 18:27; 1:24; Psalms 103:14; 146; 22:29; 78:50;1 Corinthians 15:16-18, 47; Leviticus 17:11,14; Ecclesiastes 3:19,20; Job 34:15; Ezekiel 18:20 Pastor Dick Worley
Wednesday May 13, 2009
The Highway Home
Wednesday May 13, 2009
Wednesday May 13, 2009
There's no place like home...there's no place like home...sounds like a movie or a song doesn't it? In today's text we read about a perfect land that will be ours when Jesus returns home. Do you feel like taking a trip? Travel the "highway to home," and see where it leads and what you see along the way. Isaiah 35 Pastor Steve Taylor www.lakeshorebiblechurch.net
Saturday May 09, 2009
If Jesus is Alive...Where is he now, and what is he Doing?
Saturday May 09, 2009
Saturday May 09, 2009
We preach that Jesus died and was raised from the dead. Every year we celebrate his resurrection. But have you ever stopped and wondered what he's doing now? Is he just solemnly sitting on his hands and waiting for his return? Or is he busy right now? Where is he anyway? What's he doing now? What's he all about? Pastor John Railton
Friday May 08, 2009
No Time For Silence
Friday May 08, 2009
Friday May 08, 2009
Sometimes the Christian life can become the same old routine if you let it, and we can miss the greatest blessing that God has for us. In today's story, we learn that the greatest witness for Christ is not necessarily the one who knows all the Bible, the one who's the greatest teacher, or the best debater, but the person who has come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior with an unquenchable excitement. A man who sat hopelessly day after day found the kind of healing only Jesus can give - and it transformed his life forever. And he couldn't keep silent! What an example for us! Acts 3:1-11 Pastor Dick Eldred
Sunday May 03, 2009
Now is the Time!
Sunday May 03, 2009
Sunday May 03, 2009
Jesus is coming again. At what time? When will it be? Even Jesus himself could not answer this question exactly. But the scripture does leave us with some guideposts that indicate that the time must be drawing near. Now is the time to be watching. Now is the time to be looking for that day. We are given signs to look for in the church, the nations, the physical universe, and the conditions of the world. The time of the return of Jesus is drawing very near. Are you ready? Joel 3:9,10; Luke 21; Daniel 2; 2 Timothy 4:3,4; 3:1-4,13; Rev. 3:14-17,20; Matthew 24:12,37-39; 11:28-30; 2 Peter 3:5-10; Luke 13:25 S.O. Ross 3-21-1976
Thursday Apr 30, 2009
Finding Faith in Faithless Times
Thursday Apr 30, 2009
Thursday Apr 30, 2009
It's probably an understatement to say that we live in a "crisis world." You can pick most any spot on a globe, and there are problems. But this is not the only time the world has been in crisis or that Christians have been concerned about world events. Throughout history, believers have had to keep the faith under intense persecution and suffering. In today's message, we examine the faith of one man in a faithless society. And like in Daniel's time, we are facing times of uncertainty and insecurity on a daily basis. And like Daniel, we find our stability in the future hope that God has promised us. Daniel 2:36-42, 28, 43-45; 7:13,14 Pastor Rex Cain www.openbible.homestead.com
Tuesday Apr 28, 2009
The Time of the End
Tuesday Apr 28, 2009
Tuesday Apr 28, 2009
Taken from his thorough study on the book of Daniel, Terry guides our concluding look through the writing of the prophet. In today's message, we examine the time of the end. We read that transportation, communication, and information will be increased like never before. But we also see that evil will be increasing as righteousness is decreasing. It sounds a lot like this present world. Could today be the very time of the end? Are we living in the last days? Watch the signs... Daniel 12:1-4; 1 Thess. 5; Matt. 24:6,13,14; Luke 17; Genesis 6; 2 Timothy 3; 4 Pastor Terry M. Ferrell Greenville Church of God, 217 White Oak Road, Greenville, SC 29605 For more from the book of Daniel or for more messages by Terry, listen every Tuesday at www.cogcast.org
Monday Apr 27, 2009
Looking for Jesus
Monday Apr 27, 2009
Monday Apr 27, 2009
What would you do in a disaster? What's your plan? What would you do just in case? After man's fall, God has provided his children with a "disaster relief plan." He knew we couldn't rescue ourselves, so he provided an escape. And He has also given us warnings of coming disaster. The day is coming just as He has said. Will you be prepared? Pastor Jeff Fletcher Bethel Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith Pelzer, South Carolina
Saturday Apr 04, 2009
What Must I do to be Saved?
Saturday Apr 04, 2009
Saturday Apr 04, 2009
God has drawn a line in the sand. You can't straddle the line. You have to make a decision to step over the line or not. There's no in-between. God wants you to have eternal life in the age to come. But the dividing line is whether you have the son or not. You're either on one side of the line or the other. You have to make a choice. Will you step over the line? 1 John 5:11,12; Acts 16 Pastor Scott Ross-Jaynes Street Community Church of God, Omaha, Nebraska
Wednesday Apr 01, 2009
Four Anchors That Hold
Wednesday Apr 01, 2009
Wednesday Apr 01, 2009
In this series on the book of Acts, we're examining the church of the first-century Christians and what we can learn from this dedicated fellowship of believers today. When Paul was involved in the ship wreck from today's passage, the crew threw four anchors over to try and keep the ship from dashing on the rocks. Many in our present world are in the storm of their life. We see some being wrecked before our very eyes. We must hang on even if it is on "pieces of the ship" until we are safe and share the "four anchors" of true religious faith. Acts:27:21-25,44 Pastor Wally Winner www.theupsidedownchurch.com